wearing 1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® in natural SHINE®
I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and effort in creating this post. Toutes les pensées et les opinions sont les miennes. #sponsored @ACUVUE

I’ve always been pretty adventurous when it concerns experimenting with hair, clothes and makeup (and food!). I’ll jump in feet first! A bright green gloss, you say?? short-term magenta streaks in my hair? Bien sûr, pourquoi pas!?

But when it concerned cosmetic content lenses? histoire différente.


They just never really appealed to me. I couldn’t picture my brown eyes (dark chocolate brown with a navy blue ring to be exact! — they’re my dad’s eyes) as a completely different color. I dunno… different strokes for different folks, I guess.

It wasn’t just that they look unnatural sometimes, especially when you know someone very well and you completely know what their eyes naturally look like. I can get behind many dramatic cosmetic changes like hair (seriously, what’s natural about pink streaks?!), but when it concerns my eyes? I just can’t picture taking a look at myself in the mirror and seeing bright green eyes. Ça me fait flipper!

But that was also one of the reasons I wanted to try the new 1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® prescription contact lenses. They’re subtle — not whatsoever like full-on colorful contacts — and they don’t change the color of your eyes.


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They’re not just subtle. They’re very subtle, but the charm benefit was very clear once I tried them on.

What they actually do is a little hard to explain, but it’s simpler to see in pics…

1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® in natural SHINE®, one of the three available effects
See how my eye on the best looks a little bigger?

Once you notice it, I think the difference stands apart more. My iris looks larger, and there are amber flecks around the edges.

It’s much more apparent when I open my eyes really broad and efficiently look like a crazy person, LOL! So please excuse the crazy eyes below. They’re strictly for demonstration purposes, although I am thinking about walking around town like this just to see what kind of friends I’d make.


Unlike tinted contact lenses, these don’t change the overall color of your eyes, but I love the subtle difference.

There are a couple things going on here…

First, the outline around my iris (also known as the limbal ring) looks larger and much more defined, which makes my overall eye look bigger.

Second, the iris-inspired designes that have light-effect patterns add depth and dimension without changing the natural color of my eye.

As soon as I put one of these on, my eyes seemed bigger and brighter to me, but not in a cray-cray silly way. El Hub, however, didn’t notice a difference at all.

En premier.

Granted, the man walks around without his contacts or glasses half the time, so I’m not exactly sure WHAT he sees… Yeah, there’s a very good chance that baby girl is going to need glasses one of these days, LOL!

1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® lenses are prescription lenses, so you’ll need to go to an eye care professional for an appointment. I had a fitting with an optometrist to get them in my prescription. The lenses are sold in boxes of 30 or 90. prices vary by doc, but they’re as low as $65 for a month’s supply.

There are three different effects available- natural SPARKLE®, natural SHIMMER® and natural SHINE®. They range from very subtle, to slightly much more impact, to even much more impact (but still not too obvious), and complement all eye colors — green, blue, hazel, gray and, yes, brown like moi.

ACUVUE® worked with celebrity makeup artist Julianne Kaye to create some simple, how-to makeup suggestions that complement all three effects, and you can check ’em out in the links below…
Makeup how To natural SPARKLE®
Makeup how To natural SHIMMER®
Makeup how To natural SHINE®

Because I have dark eyes, I really like the lens with the most dramatic effect, natural SHINE®.

1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® lens in natural SHINE®
A closeup of 1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® in natural SHINE®
You can really see the difference in closeups. have a moment with my eyeballz for a sec…

My eye without a lens

Subtilité. That’s the essential here. If you’re searching for a dramatic, jaw-dropping change, these probably aren’t for you, but if you’re searching for a subtle enhancing effect for everyday wear or incredible special occasions, give ’em a try.


Check out Acuvue.com/Define to learn more.

Votre chariot de quartier amical,


Important information for contact Lens Wearers: 1-DAY ACUVUE® DEFINE® brand contact Lenses are available with and without vision correction. An eye care professional will identify whether contact lenses are best for you. Although rare, major eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. PourAidez à éviter ces problèmes, suivez le calendrier d’usure et de remplacement et les instructions de soins de l’objectif offertes par votre ophtalmologiste. Ne portez pas de lentilles de contact si vous avez une infection oculaire ou que vous rencontrez un inconfort oculaire, une déchirure excessive, des changements de vision, des rougeurs ou d’autres problèmes oculaires. Si l’une de ces conditions se produit, contactez immédiatement votre médecin des yeux. Vous ne devez jamais partager vos lentilles avec personne d’autre. Pour beaucoup plus d’informations sur l’usure appropriée, les soins et la sécurité, parlez à votre professionnel de votre œil et demandez un guide d’instructions client, appelez le 1-800-843-2020 ou visitez le site www.acuvue.com.

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